Digi Card Reader For Drivers
Navya Serial Video Download. Digital Tachograph Download Devices. Digifobpro Digital Tacho Download Device & Card Reader. Full Driver Card analysis against EU Drivers' Hours Law; Detailed Vehicle analysis; Colour backlit screen; Direct USB connection for download, charging, settings and updates; 3GB of storage for thousands of tachograph. Ideal tachograph card reader for digitach users. This popular driver card downloading device connects to PC via the attached USB cable.
Approved Smart Cards A Digi-Card™ is any cryptographic smart card that has been tested and approved to work with. Digi-Cards™ are typically used to issue and manage tens of thousands of users where cannot provide the necessary larger scale, end user management. The only real limitation of using Digi-Cards™ is that the end user must also have a card reader. This small handicap is easily outweighed by the significant user management and end user convenience of having credit card sized digital authentication.
If you wish to avoid smart cards or Digi-Tokens™ and only have a digital signature requirement, you may wish to consider the solution. Benefits of Digi-Cards™ • Completely portable • Sophisticated end user management capabilities • Can be over-printed as a physical ID card • Can be used for both logical and physical access • Adds additional 'layer' to high security environments Using Digi-Cards™ The Digi-Card™ has many uses and here are a few examples: • • • • Choosing your Digi-Card™ Digi-Cards™ are, or without, a smart card reader for each card. When making your selection, you should decide if every end user requires a smart card or if groups will be sharing the same reader.
Digi-Card™ Delivery Options The primary Digi-Card™ delivery options are as follows: • Blank card issued, end user enrols using the • Blank card pre-loaded using the prior to dispatch • Over-print & end user enrols using the • Over-print & pre-loaded using the prior to dispatch Technical Overview The most secure method is to store the private key and public key certificates on a USB cryptographic device (also commonly referred to as a security token, hardware token or a cryptographic token). A Digi-Token™ is a cryptographic token.
The other method of storing private keys and digital certificates is to use a software implementation of the PKCS#12 standard that introduces the Personal Information Exchange Syntax in a form of password protected data file. PKCS#12 file is like any other software file and can be stored on a standard USB flash memory device. Further Enhancement with CMS Typically, the principal reason for choosing Digi-Cards™ is the need for a Card Management System [CMS].
All Digi-Cards™ can be supplied with the appropriate CMS so for further information.
DigiCard - The first dedicated Digital Tachograph Driver Card Reader digiCard was designed to combat support issues around Windows support for card readers. DigiCard also provides simple archiving and specific support for our Remote Download solution, digiDL. Software developers can fully integrate digiCard controls into their application.