Free Download Vampire Diaries Season 4 Episode 5
Klaus is a vampire/werewolf-hybrid and I dare you to say that five times fast. The only way to get rid of his breed is through the heart and decapitation, which sounds super gruesome and fun. The most important thing is that Bonnie, the token witch of Mystic Falls stays safe and unharmed. Elena is deeply ashamed of being a vampire and she hates it; she feels “hopeless, depressed, angry” but most of all, she is scared.
Stefan is determined to find the cure so that he can turn her back. Clear: pick him over his brother Damon! Klaus informs Stefan that Conner has escaped and they must find him because he is of no use to them dead; they need him for the cure.
Damon is out looking for Conner but we all know that he has an explosive temper that cannot be tamed. April wants to know where Rebecca is despite the fact that she is dead and then surprise, Conner pops up with Jeremy in hand. Elena has yet to tell Stefan about her blood high and kinky moves with Damon at the frat party and why should she? Personally, if vampires have no morals and can bite just about anyone than why does she care if she plays with two guys, even if they are brothers?
Stefan wants to make sure that Conner is not setting a trap with werewolf venom and stuff like that but with Jeremy being involved, Elena is all over it. Bonnie is desperately needed however, she is apparently not doing witchy stuff anymore, but the guy at the college can help her practice magic again. If I had a dime for every time a good looking guy said that to meStefan discovers that it is Matt and April being held hostage as well so now Elena wants to offer herself to Conner in trade. Clearly she does not realize how fast one has to be or does she?
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Episode 5 Online Free Streaming in HD!!! Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Episode 5 Online!!! The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Episode 5 Bonnie Talks With Professor Shane in The Vampire Diaries Season 4, Episode 5: The Killer. Stefan and Klaus anatomy an afraid accord to try. The vampire diaries season 4 torrent searched for free download.
She is definitely a mash up of Damon and Stefan in so many ways and Conner has yet to discover that she is a vampire.( Crap! He so knows; this Conner guy is way smarter than we give him credit for.) Damon is not happy that Stefan wants to team up with Klaus; where the hell did he come from and why is there an alliance? Does not much matter as Damon falls down to the ground with his brother behind him. This is the most screwed up town I think that anyone has ever lived in and I believe that one day, they will have the real vampires of Mystic Falls. Everyone is so skeptical about Elena and her safety but I think that she is pretty strong and even though she is still transitioning, I believe that the guys underestimate her. Good god; one moment Stefan is kissing Elena, the next minute he has vanished.
Caroline runs into Hailey who has been staying with Tyler and she is jealous because she has no idea who this chick is. Wait, Klaus knows all about Ty’s affair with Hailey so now he is screwed in to doing what Klaus says again. Klaus is devilishly sexy, a term that I love using for smoking hot men like Damon and Stefan. Speaking of Stefan, he calls Conner and asks him if he is the least bit curious as to why Klaus kept him alive while April is trying to figure out why and how she knows Conner. Conner has no conscience since apparently he has killed friends of him yet we cannot kill him?
The man that Klaus sent it to ensure Conner remained alive as Stefan and Damon got to work is now dunzo thanks to Conner so I sayKILL CONNER. I’m tired of him and he is making me mad every time he looks at the camera. It’s like I hate him so much which is what they want so he’s doing a good job playing the part but he’s so weird and angry. Damon is still knocked out as Elena tries to wake him up and she discovers that his special ring is gone thus Stefan has made a deal with Klaus. Conner is busy saying that he does not listen to vampires, blah blah blah and soon Elena comes in to plead for Jeremy’s life because he is her only family.
Ha, Elena has been watching Stefan and Damon because she is a little too fast for Mr. Vampire Hunter but we have not seen the last of him. This psycho likes the screen time because clearly he is a real person and not an actor. I’m totally getting sucked inget it, sucked in?
Oh forget it! My question is: how will I be able to watch Ian Somerholder in Fifty Shades of Grey if he is cast and not want him to have fangs and draw crazy amounts of blood? Elena wants to know why Conner came after Jeremy and he tells her that he claims that they are alike. It is because of his hunter’s tattoo only visible to Jeremy and no one has yet to tell Elena this news.
He knows that he was with Conner the day before but does not remember it at all and now Stefan and Damon are fighting over Conner. Oops, when Elena goes to bite Conner and warn him to stay away from Jeremy, he goes and stabs her but he misses the part to kill her.
Damon definitely makes me like vampires; I suddenly see the appeal of them after all these years of Buffy and Twilight madness. Bonnie is still trying to get her magic back but she thinks that she cannot be hypnotized but apparently she has been for seven hours. Suddenly, Bonnie is not afraid and her power is back but I still think that there is more to the story.
Damon and Stefan walk in on Elena as she is attempting to bury Conner but she is way too pissed at Stefan because his main job was to protect Jeremy. Caroline walks in on Tyler and Bailey hugging over the murder of a friend; he tries to explain that Hailey saved his life and he has just lied to Klaus because he knows how to set more hybrids free. If what he is saying is true, he is just trying to protect his people and it looks like one of the people who is about to be protected is April. On this show, jewelry always has meaning behind it. Jeremy looks down on his arm and discovers that he has the vampire hunter tattoo just as Damon and Stefan are realizing that they need to find another one of the five to get the vampire cure, I really don’t think that anyone wants to be a vampire, aside from Damon who likes having this blood sucking power. Elena is still freaking out over killing Conner; he had it coming because he was evil despite holding a cure.
Suddenly, there is blood everywhere, like legit everywhere and on the mirror, someone wrote KILLER but then it looks like it has gone away. What the frick people?? Next week, Catherine returns and no one knows what to expect now that Elena has officially killed. This show is awesome and I don’t feel like some dorky vampire lover for watching it because there is real man candy here and talent! What did you think of this week’s episode? Let me know who YOU think left the blood. I’m placing my money on Conner’s ghost!