Anita Terminal Emulator Keygen Crack

AniTa Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Last updated: 29 June 2017 Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Amazon Web Services - AWS Question: How can I use AniTa to connect to Amazon Web Services (AWS)? Answer: Starting with AniTa 11.3 you can use AniTa to connect using SSH transport with public key or password authentication. Once connected, just click the filetransfer icon and AniTa will launch the AniTa SFTP client and silently connect to the currently connected host system. No private key file conversion is needed.

Anita Terminal Emulator Keygen Crack

Anita Terminal Emulator Keygen. 5/15/2017 0 Comments Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide An in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting Mendel Cooper.

OpenSSH OpenSSH Ciphers and KexAlgorithms Later versions of Linux and other host systems have started to ship versions of OpenSSH that does not enable all ciphers required by AniTa version 10/11.0 and earlier. AniTa 11.2 and later does not have these problems. This can be fixed by modifying the host side SSH configuration. The fix is a bit different depending on the version of OpenSSH. Fedora21 and CentOS 7 with openssh 6.6.1p1 /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N ' -q remove # on this line: #HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key in /etc/ssh/sshd_config Then run: systemctl reload sshd or on Ubuntu: sudo service ssh restart Fedora22 with openssh 6.8p1 Same modifications as for 6.6.1p1 above, and.

Modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config: Ciphers aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,,,,3des-cbc KexAlgorithms,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 Then run: systemctl reload sshd or on Ubuntu: sudo service ssh restart no hostkey alg This can happen in AniTa version 11.0 and earlier when connecting to modern SSH servers. Fix: Upgrade or update to AniTa version 11.2 or later.

The reason is most likely that the SSH server is a fairly late release and configured to only accept very high security encryption algorithms and keys. Unknown packet received while in interactive mode, 20 This can happen in AniTa version 11.0 and earlier when connecting to SSHv2 servers. Permanent fix: Upgrade or update to AniTa version 11.2 or later.

Quick fix: The following should make it work for at least 24 hours. A user should be able to work for a full day without problems. User should make sure to establish a new connection every day.

Edit the sshd configuration file, normally /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and add/change the following parameter: RekeyLimit 3G 24h Then restart the sshd daemon. Probably like this on Suse Enterprise: sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart on Ubuntu server: sudo service ssh restart Windows 10 Windows 10 desktop version Released. Windows 10 (x86) is supported starting with AniTa version 11.

Released Q3 2015. Windows 8 Windows 8 desktop version Released. Windows 8 is supported starting with AniTa version 10. Released Q1 2013. Windows RT version Not yet scheduled for release. The most common problem executing a macro is that the path separator in Windows is traditionally a backslash.

Unfortunately, the backslash is often used as a forcing character in strings containing commands. The easiest way to solve the problem is to use the forward slash in all windows paths. This is accepted by Windows since many versions back.

Example: C: temp yourfile.txt can also be presented as C:/temp/yourfile.txt In the case of executing a macro that is contained in an escape command from host sent by the linux echo command, you end up having 3 different decoders (AniTa macro, AniTa transport escape command, and echo command), all using the backslash forcing character. In order to get a real backslash, the forcing character must be preceded by a forcing character.

This means, in order to get a single backslash all the way through the 3 decoders, there must be a lot of backslash characters. Let’s split it up with an example. The example will be presented using both backslash and forward slash format: We use different colors to make it easier to see the envelopes and encoding: AniTa Macro AniTa Escape sequence Echo command We use the macro to print the file “group” located in the “Temp” folder on the “C:” drive locally through the AniTa terminal printers with all terminal printer settings active. Macro syntax:%file%print;path[[;openmode][;printer#]] (Default values for the optional openmode is rb (readbinary) and printer number is 1) If we execute this macro locally. You also need to go through the steps above. New installations will however not get%hold% mapped. Question: How is it possible to make a modem connect at a specific speed?

When I establish a serial connection with a Modem it always uses its highest speed, for example 28,800 baud, how do I setup the modem to use a slower speed such as 19,200 baud. Answer: There is a Hayes AT command to set the highest link rate. It is the S37 register value. The command can be added to the Modem init string configured in the AniTa 'Modem type' menu. Here is a list of command values: 0 Use Last AT Speed 1 Reserved (75) 2 Reserved (110) 3 300 4 Reserved (600) 5 1200 6 2400 7 4800 8 7200 9 960 11 1440 12 1920 29 2400 15 28800 Examples: ATS37=9 to set the highest link rate to 9600 ATS37=12 to set the highest link rate to 19200 ATQ0V1E1S0=0S37=9 Initialize the modem and set the highest link rate to 9600 For more information have a look at: General modem information: General 56K Modem information and troubleshooting Question: How do I make AniTa modem accept incoming calls? Answer: Autoanswer is normally configured using the S0 register. The S0 value is the number of incoming ring signals before answering.

The default AniTa Modem Init string is set to: S0=0 (disabling incoming calls since you will normally dial out). If you want AniTa to wait for an external call, do the following: 1. Disable 'Phone Number/Auto-dial' 2. Change the 'Initialize' string in the 'Modem type' menu. Click the AniTa 'Connect' button. (Wait for someone to dial in) Example: AT&FQ0V1E1S0=1 Question: How do I connect to a dialback modem? Answer: Dialback is a feature in a modem.

It can typically be configured in many different ways. If both modems are of the same type, It can be configured without changing any of the computers involved. (read the modem manual to find out how to configure it). If the remote modem is configured for dialback to any incoming modem, you need to enable Auto-answer in the AniTa end to get it working. Is described above. The following is a typical example of what's happening when you connect to a dialback modem: • You click the 'Connect button' in AniTa. This will start the dialling into the romote modem.

• The remote modem answers the call and asks for a password and/or your phone number. • The connection is hung up by the remote modem.

• The remote modem dials back to your modem. • Your modem answers the incoming call (make sure you have configured the S0=1 register to autoanswer). • You get a 'CONNECT XXX' message on the screen. • The remote computer gets a 'CONNECT XXX' message from the remote modem. • The remote modem sends the login message. • You login to the remote computer system. Question: How do I stay connect after connecting?

The line gets connected OK, but is immideately disconnected when data is sent or received. Answer: There may be many reasons for this to happen, so we know we can't give you a good single answer here. One reason is that the modems are simply not compatible for automatic link speed negotiation. You need to find out how to configure your specific modem to connect at a specific highest link rate.

Consult your modem reference or try the method above. Another reason may be that the speed between the computer and the modem is not the same. This can typically be configured using the AT&B1 command. &B1 means: use fixed rate between the modem and the CPU. This is typically needed on the mainframe side.

Question: My host application can print to the printer connected to one AniTa Windows PC printer while the same application can't print to a printer connected to another AniTa Windows PC printer. What can possibly be the reason? Answer: There may be many reasons for this to happen, so we know we can't give you a good single answer here. One reason is often: The printer may not support normal byte stream data. Some printers ( typically low-cost) only support something Microsoft and printer manufacturers call: 'Windows Printing System'.

A part of the printer driver is running in the PC. This means that there must be a machine sending data to the printer using the Windows Printer GDI API. It also means that other operating systems can't use the printer directly in the traditional 'lineprinter' way. AniTa can try to support passthrough printing from UNIX to the printer by translating the UNIX byte-stream to the Windows GDI interface. You configure this in AniTa Terminal #1 dialog by changing to: 'GDI printer driver' (from the default: 'Send host formatted.' You can test if the printer is working in byte stream mode and/or just in GDI mode. Do the following: • In the menu: Config->Preferences->Printers, configure AniTa Terminal Printer#1 to 'GDI Printer Driver'.

• Send a ltext line einding with CR LF FF to the printer. This can be done from the UNIX command line:echo ' 033[5itext r n f 033[4i' • or if you don't want to connect to the host, by mapping an AniTa key to the following:%local%[5itext[4i • Send the test line to the printer. If this does works, then your printer is connected to the PC correctly and the printer driver for it is working. All your Windows programs like Word, Notepad and AniTa 'screendump' will work.

• In AniTa, change from 'GDI Printer Driver' to 'Send host formatted data directly to the printer'.Send the test line to the printer again. If this does not work, then your printer does only support GDI formatted data. Printing using LPD from host to printer on Windows Question: Is it possible to use UNIX/AIX/Linux LPD to print to Windows printers? Answer: Yes, with AniTa version 7. AniTa version 7 Enterprise license includes the AniTaLPD program.

AniTaLPD supports the LPD printing protocol. This makes it possible to print from the UNIX applicatioin to a printer located on the AniTa PC or the network where AniTa is connected. The general rule is: If the printer can be used from Windows, then you can print to it from UNIX. The AniTaLPD task can be started/stopped automatically every time AniTa is started/stopped. Printing can be filtered through the same filters and configuration as the Terminal Printer configured in AniTa. It can also be set up to route print data to different AniTa printers based on the LPD queue name.

Another feature is the /cat parameter that allows raw datastreams to be printed using for example the netcat freeware program. AniTaLPD can also be used to receive files to disk. It is possible to send an escape string to AniTa that starts up AniTaLPD on a specific port to receive one single job and save it to disk, then exit.

AniTaLPD supports multiple parallell sessions. Starting AniTaLPD can be done either from the command line or from the AniTa menu: Config->Preferences->LPD Server. Question: Some of the keyboard keys (like screen movement) doesn't work. The screen movement using any keyboard key (including the arrow keys) are handled by the host application. The host side knows which code AniTa sends when an arrow key is pressed.

The problem can be that the host application for some reason has a different opinion about which keyboard codes AniTa will send. Answer: Termcap and terminfo overview. All UNIX/AIX/Linux hosts keep a terminal capabilities definition database. It is called termcap on older systems and it has later been enhanced and most applications now use the terminfo system.

The application will for example read termcap or terminfo to find out what a left-arrow key is sending. Termcap is a text file including all supported terminal types while in terminfo, each terminal type is compiled into a very small file that exists in a terminfo tree with one folder for each starting letter. Terminfo and termcap keep the terminal screen and keyboard capabilities.

Each capability has a name (the name is different in termcap compared to terminfo). There is one terminfo entry for each terminal type supported by the system. You can add your own entry, or use an existing entry. Termcap can be modified with any text editor. Terminfo can be decompiled, change and then recompiled into the terminfo tree. The terminfo command to decompile an entry can be: infocmp or infocmp vt220>my220 The terminfo command to compile an entry can be: tic my220 How does the host know what kind of terminal is connected?

TCP/IP: When the terminal (AniTa) connects to the host over TCP/IP using telnet or OpenSSH, the host will get the terminal type automatically. This is built into the telnet and OpenSSH protocols and always used by the host terminal server. It will result in the TERM environment variable being set to the terminal type AniTa is configured for. Some host systems have a hard coded function in the.profile script that sets TERM to some predefined type assuming that all terminals that connect are all the same. (.profile is the script that normally gets executed when a use logs in). AniTa is by default configured to send the last word of the terminal type you have selected. Example: If you select DEC vt220, then AniTa will only send vt220.

This is configurable in the AniTa menu: Config->UNIX ENV where the macro%terminal% represents the last word of the terminal selection. If you want to run AniTa in vt220 mode and fool the host that it is actually a my220 terminal then change it to: TERM=my220. Serial: If you connect directly to the host serial line or over a non-TCP/IP modem line, then the TERM variable is not automatically set since there is no 'protocol' involved. It is common practice for the host to enquire the terminal about the terminal type by sending the 'answerback' code.

AniTa will respond to the 'answerback' code by sending the terminal type configured. This can be changed in the AniTa terminal settings dialog, 'Answerback' configuration.

After logged into the host, you can find out what the TERM variable is set to using the command: echo $TERM If the reply doesn't correspond to the terminal type you have configured AniTa for, then the TERM= mechanism doesn't work. How does AniTa know what terminal it is emulating and which keyboard codes to send? You can change the terminal emulation mode in the AniTa menu dialog: Config->Terminal Emulation. After changing the terminal type and exiting the dialog you will get the question: ' Load default keyboard map, definitions.'

Make sure you answer Yes unless you have very specific reasons to keep the existing keyboard mapping. Custom keyboard mapping is described in detail in the AniTa User's Guide.

Very Important: After changing terminal type you must disconnect and re-connect again for the host to know you have changed the terminal type and update the TERM variable. Else the host may still think you are a vt220 while you may have changed your own keyboard mapping to for example Linux. Question: There are gray areas around the text. How do I make the text fill the screen as much as possible?

Answer: Quick tip to fill the screen with largest possible text size: 1. First of all it may be good to know that, if your PC screen resolution column in the following table has a 'Yes', then it is possible to completely fill the horizontal screen. 1600x1200 1400x1050 1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 640 x 480 Yes No Yes No Yes Yes 2. You can make it look like the screen is filled by doing the following: • Remove AniTa bars you don't need. This is done in the menu: Config->Preferences->View. • Decrease the size of the reserved button area space around the text portion. This is done in the same dialog.

You can set top/bottom/left/right and 'frame size' to 0. • Change the frame fg and bg color to the same color as your application (dark white). • Change to another font. Try the AniTa font if you have a high res video board.

It works fine for resolutions higher than 800x600. Detailed Answer: General Font Scaling True Type and OpenType AniTa supports True Type and Open Type fonts. These fonts are defined as a mathematical algorithm. One very nice feature is that all True Type and Open Type fonts are scalable by the display driver. Bitmapped AniTa supports Bitmapped fonts. Each character in a bitmapped font is defined as a bitmap. Each size of a character in the font selection list is represented by its own bitmap.

This means that bitmapped fonts are scalable to the predefined bitmaps that are installed. The display driver will also allow scaling a bitmap font to any power of 2 by simply stretching the bitmap. Largest possible character size Maximize screen ( the WINDOW button ) allows using largest possible fonts. When the maximize button (in the upper right corner) is pressed, the whole screen will be occupied by AniTa and the area around the screen will be filled with the frame background color. The frame border size (and the fill region around) will be reduced to zero if the currently selected font fills the whole screen.

Some screen resolutions will use the full screen size and some won't. The rule is that the horizontal screen resolution (pixels) must be evenly dividabale with the number of columns.

Examples: (All examples assume 80 columns since this is the most common number of columns) Example 1: On a 800x600 resolution you get 800 / 80 = 10 pixels/character. Fisiologia Linda Costanzo Pdf Español here. Example 2: On a 1024x768 resolution you get 1024 / 80 = 12,8 pixels/character. There will be 0,8 pixel/column left (64 pixels) Example 3: On a 1280x768 resolution you get 1280 / 80 = 16 pixels/character. As you can see from the examples, some screen resolutions will fit exactly.

The following table shows the some of the most common screen resolutions. It inducates if 80 columns can completely fill the horizontal screen.

The table assumes you are using a scalable font like TrueType Courier New or AniTa. 1600x1200 1400x1050 1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 640 x 480 Yes No Yes No Yes Yes The AniTa default 80 column font face is the standard Windows True Type font Courier New-12 bold for SVGA and High Res resolution screens, and Courier New-10 for VGA screens. Best visibility is Courier New Bold 13 that also fits on the common 800x600 SVGA resolution screens, but then the AniTa function buttons may be a bit narrow. This can however be adjusted by reserving a fixed amount of space for the button panels (this is done in the menu: Config->Preferences->View), or aligning the AniTa display to the bottom, or disabling the status bar. Note that the standard Windows Font selection dialog does for some unknown reason not list Courier New 13 as a possible choice, but you can still type 13 into the size field an get that size.

Recommended font in 132-column mode is Terminal 6 or 9. Automatic font scaling When automatic scaling state is enabled (by checking Scale Font to View in the View menu) the font size will be scaled to the largest possible size that fits into the horizontal size of the window when the window size is changed. (The vertical size of the window can still be changed to allow resizing the window in history scroll back mode without changing the font size. ) The window is then shrunk or extended vertically to fit that font exactly. If there is no font size small enough, the last selected size will be used, and scroll bars enabled. Note that the maximum font size is calculated after the top, bottom, left and right button panel reserved space has been taken into account.

Question: How do I connect to different hosts using all the same settings except the host IP address? Answer: There are 2 easy ways to do it. Create a shortcut on the desktop that sepcifies the host address on the command line. This will override the.wcf file setting. Example: 'C: Program Files AniTa Anita.exe' /ip:hostname.

Use 'Recently used host list'. AniTa keeps a record of all hosts connected to. The list is kept in a text file. The file name can be configured in the menu: Config->Preferences->Files. It is possible to disable updating of the file.

The default name of the file is anitahosts.txt. This method requires 'Prompt for host' to be set (in menu: Config->Preferences->View).

Question: How do I use different.wcf 'settings files' that use the same mapping files (.key, map, xlt,.dyn.)? Answer: AniTa settings are stored in a number of files. The main file with most of the settings is by default named AniTa.wcf. Settings for the keyboard mapping, screen button descriptions, dynamic hotspots normally follows the.wcf file name, but with other extensions ( and a few more). When you save the setting using your own specified name, you also normally save a set of these files. The.wcf file contains file name pointers to these files, and it is possible to create multiple.wcf files that points to the same set of mapping files.

In AniTa, go to the menu Config->Preferences->Files and uncheck the 'Autoname to same as settings' parameter. Then change the file names to whatever your first.wcf file was. © Copyright 2004-2017 Developed by April System Design.